Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How To Get Tilt In Lacr

What happened so far ...

start as so many series, and since I also have nothing for three weeks have written in my blog, I thought that would be a good introduction.

Unfortunately, I can remember also do not remember exactly what I since 11 October, the date of the last blog entry had done everything, but the photos should be able to help me further.

Am Samstag dem 16. Oktober habe ich mich auf die Suche nach einem angeblichen "Lei Feng Souvenir Shop" begeben. Diesen habe ich bei googlemaps gefunden, und da mich der Mustersoldat Lei Feng aus der Mao Zeit interessiert wollte ich dort mal vorbei schauen.

Bei googlemaps waren auch eine Adresse und Fotos verfügbar, auf den Fotos war der Laden zwar geschlossen, aber dabei hatte ich mir nichts gedacht...bis ich ihn dann tatsächlich gefunden hatte. Er war immer noch geschlossen, oder schon wieder? Die Schilder waren andere als bei googlemaps, nun schien es ein Tattoo-Studio gewesen zu sein, der Rost an dem Schloss deutet aber darauf hin, dass this is also closed for a long time.

Longhua Pagoda
Sunday on it I was at the Longhua Pagoda, unfortunately, the bridge was able to shoot from where the pagoda against the setting sun been demolished. The building with the supermarket apparently has something new, larger soft.

New Energy
In the spirit of the "New Energy" is but the lighting apparently fed by solar energy, very progressive, what is on the phone in the temple can not say, however, or is it an Iphone 5?
Iphone 5 (?)

New Energy Vehicle

course The temple is dedicated to the progressive mobilization of the Chinese. The owner of this energy-saving vehicle a renowned German manufacturer, however, was not to make. The monks so also all the martyrs ;-) In Orange Park, but everything is still the same. The older people there still go backwards or clap their hands to keep fit around.


Eine Woche später war ich dann zum fünften und für mich letztem Mal auf der Expo. Es regnete in Strömen und so wurden nicht die expected 1.3 million visitors counted. Full it was still everywhere, and I was back only in the smaller pavilion where we did not have to queue. Bremen, Hamburg and back to the pavilion with the Chinese provinces.

Bremen state sponsors
China Pavilion

Chinese flexibility
German Procedure
electric car EWE on the Bremen state

vs China. Hamburg is Germany in the pavilion as a photo study

electric mobility also subject to the state of Bremen Expo. Far from over, but interest was probably the topic car sharing. Both visitors and the media, but more in a later blog entry.


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