Saturday, November 6, 2010

How Much Does Mechadoll Cost

propaganda then and now Shanghai

Saturday morning (10/30/2010) I was in a small museum for propaganda posters from the Mao period. Something hidden in the basement of an apartment block a Chinese issued a remarkable collection of interesting propaganda posters. The beautiful, all pictures are labeled with the origin and the key message in English. For 20 RMB admission is really a worthwhile trip I was able to make thanks January s info, for I knew not yet. One can not really shoot it, but for my readers, I had the time yet dared :-)

propaganda posters

From the booklet
I I then there is also a booklet with pictures of the exhibition and a "Lei Feng ( wikipedia article to Lei Feng ) Posters purchased together for about 20 €.

Studiere Lei Feng

Auf dem Poster steht 'learn from Lei Feng, to do the "four" new man', was soviel bedeutet, wie "studiere Lei Feng, schaffe neue Menschen mit (den) vier Eigenschaften. Diese sind vorbildlich (ideals), tugendhaft (moral), gebildet (educated) und gesinnungstreu (discipline) (Interpretation und Übersetzung stammen von mir, Quelle: Yahoo - "four" are the four newcomers have ) .

the stairs!
There is no one with NEM Iphone went out 4 da
Then we continued to the Apple Store in Pudong with the infamous glass staircase, which already caused a stir because they realized that was there looked like under the skirts of the girls. In the Apple Store in the Huaihai Road, there are also such a staircase.

entrance to the Apple Store Pudong

Modern propaganda?
The iPhone 4 you can get in either. One wonders at the great professionals there to get the information it must pre-order on the website. To the remark that the site is so completely in Chinese and the foreigners would not be possible to get a printout of an English manual with screenshots of the site. For all of Now I think I wanted to buy an Iphone 4, no, surely not ;-) My colleague and Mitpraktikant at Volkswagen, January ( Jans Blog ) would like to do to have one. The problem is that on the website of the button to order is not there, because it's sold out ... crazy. Although every Chinese may buy only one per day (specify the identity card) have probably bootleggers, it is said, bought the stocks. A fake iPhone with Android 1.6 slots and two SIM cards can be found here for starting at 40 euro ;-)

I'll probably wait for the HTC Desire HD . The great dealers here do not even know this. I always wanted to Desire, and a turn on HD2, hehe. Hopefully gibt es bald das pleco dictionary für Android, dann schlage ich zu.

HTC Desire HD


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