Monday, February 28, 2011

Images Of Church Wedding Decorations

you are here!

elcome, spring!
The wild geese are now returned. We heard it yesterday, but today saw the first time.
Oh, that's sooo schööön, I love it and always eagerly waiting for it.
With the return of the geese start of spring for me.
Say it with Rilke. :)
spring has come again.
The earth is like a child,
knows poems.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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A long, long, long, long winter

Long we have not already heard from us ...

Well actually exist indeed not much to say. Long and slowly fade pretty cold and hard GA1 units and strength training on a daily basis, that's it! ;-)

We currently train 16 to 22 hours per week and are really very satisfied with the training. As every year the winter takes a relatively long time now and we long for pleasant temperatures, short-short trips and of course after hard races!

Wake us up, when I march ends!

ride on Michi, Andi

Friday, February 25, 2011

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Call of the fairies

Come hither, O sweet child of one
Listen to our enchanting song
Come into the land of Pan
Succumb to us and dance along

Sing with us, o human child
Fall deep into our circle dance
Receive from us a kiss so mild
Cast to your world no single glance

Into the land of fairies glide
Leave all you used to know behind
To the Otherland now ride
Leave your world o so unkind

Come hither o sweet child of man
Listen to our enchanting song
Come into the land of Pan
Forget where you did once belong

Words and picture © by me. No use without permission.

Das war grade einfach da.
Und ja - ich mag Yeats sehr. :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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Diese Nacht hat es geschneit.
Ich wollte es zwar nicht glauben, als ich Montag beim Einkaufen dachte, es riecht nach Schnee, aber da hatten wir ihn.
Natürlich - es ist ja auch noch Winter, meteorologisch gesehen. Immerlich bin ich allerdings immer schon Schlag Imbolc auf Frühling eingestellt. Draußen knospt auch schon alles, Krokusse und Schneeglöckchen erfreuen das Auge und auf dem Fensterbrett steht Klee neben Narzissen.
Da stehe ich den trüben Tag heute doch mit Links durch.
Um mich herum herrscht trübe Stimmung und ich dümpele auf einem Inselchen, auf dem mich das leider viel zu oft erreicht und beeinflusst.
Daher lasse ich mal ein paar Worte heraus an alle, denen es gerade nicht gut geht.

A smile is never far away
Though it now seems miles to thee
Through the clouds there shines a ray
In near distance hums a bumblebee

Stretch out thy hand when feeling lost
A friend is reaching out for thee
Shake from thy wings the bitter frost
And start to sing aloud with glee

No tear of grief is cried in vain
Thou are heard by angels and by friends
Sunshine is bound to follow rain
Like a broken heart that mends

Now lift thy head and keep it high
Know that we all do dearly love thee
Spread thy wings up to the sky
And let shine thy splendid beauty

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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Because it is blessed ... A little motivation

Entre moi et mon amin,
En un boix k'est's Cup in softly,
Alainmes juwant mairdi
Toute lai nuit a la lune ...

Anonymous, 12 or 13 Century

Monday, February 21, 2011

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After a card reading this morning I had the spontaneous idea to tinker quite a mundane little Motivationsbildchen.
I think we can use it all quite well.
Stupid way you do not see anything because the background is too bright.
a nice day to you!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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Wings of Inspiration Logo

First of all here in the post very many thanks for your nice wishes! I was very pleased and had a truly beautiful day.
The sun shone, we were in Belgium (including the monastery Val-Dieu) and the evening was celebrated at Anaitis and love Kaiya was also there. This was a super nice surprise, there was raclette and hot stone and we've talked in the morning by 4.

The days we have finally set up an art rather than an art blog page. Available at Wings of Inspiration . For this I have just drawn a logo, which now comes first in the footer and will be used so as identification.
Let's see how we use it yet.
And if ImageShack rumzickt no further, you can see it:

This goes for all the world go by accident: No use without permission.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Images Brazilian Wax Results

pastel spring

It's beautiful out there, after the day had started pretty cloudy.
is Outside the house a veritable sea of snowdrops, the trees are pink flowers and a purple crocuses, I also discovered.
Because it is so beautiful, I want to show you a bit of it - the photograph was taken a few hours.

Photo © by me. No use without permission.

And because it is so beautiful too, is still a beautiful song from a wonderful film based on a wonderful book.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Billy Muscle Claudicatio

you smile again

Übermorgen habe ich Geburtstag. Und Gott sei Lob und Preis, dass er dieses Jahr nicht, wie so oft, auf einen der ungeliebten Karnevalstage fällt.
Aber auch so gilt: Du kannst! Ihnen! Nicht! Entkommen!
Überall grinsen sie einem entgegen.
Widerliche, widerwärtige, gruselige Clowns!
Ich hasse diese Typen von Kindheit an und werde nie verstehen, wie man ihnen etwas abgewinnen kann.
Und ebensowenig übrig habe ich für Karneval.
Doch. Ich komme von hier. Aber ich bin nicht mit der "Pappnas jebore". Mich nervt es viel mehr, überall Plakate und Deko mit nur einem Thema zu . See Fasteloovend.
inns decorated with guardhouse as Prince strongholds and just close the window because it was still a little fresh now that I see outside a van with the words "Martin Prince II" . Pass Fine. And they are
road again. Scantily-clad people in the most outrageous disguises. They saw you in town, the supermarket ... everywhere.
There it is again, time to be on top of all celebrated twice a year must. Once in the spring and then to 11.11. Which for me always and forever will be only St. Martin. The "fifth season", to which we must all find funny and from strangers guys with beer and liquor flags "bützen" lassen muss. (Ein Bützje ist ein Küsschen. Das bekommt man zu Karneval ungefragt, beim Zug gibts dann schonmal zur Belohnung ein "Strüßje", ein Blumensträußchen...)
Von Fastnacht (aus dem Althochdeutschen "fasta naht", die Nacht/der Abend vor dem Beginn der Fastenzeit) hat das alles schon lange nichts mehr. Denn die wenigsten Menschen werden dann noch einmal über die Stränge schlagen, bevor es in die Fastenzeit geht. Damals gab es in dieser Zeit keinen Alkohol (Fasching = Fastenschank - letzter Alkoholausschank vor der Fastenzeit), kein Fleisch, keine Eier etc. 1492 erst erlaubte Papst Innozenz VIII. Milchprodukte in der Fastenzeit.

Für mich blasierten Snob ist Karneval Today, only an apology and a welcome excuse to drink unconscious, what, unfortunately, always more and more teenagers and even younger children to grab and stupid jokes wildzupinkeln plate, and a "partner" to search for the other. And in that time I really do not like the area here. Not a bit.

What I am doing injustice to those who conceive through the year lovingly Zugthemen to build cars and sewing costumes and where the whole really means something else - I know. And even those who are just happy to celebrate these days missed out with friends.
Unfortunately my picture but then dominated by the large mass and the Rose Monday would have me already a lot of money to pay for me to move to Cologne.
In this sense, eyes and go. On 9 March, it's over.

Monday, February 14, 2011

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Happy Saint Valentine's Day!

Photo © by me. No use without permission.

believe how many are Americans so that Valentine did not. However, he is "amimäßig" has become overloaded as well as "Halloween".
is named the day - drum roll - after Saint Valentine (well something like that?), An early Christian martyr, whose memorial Pope Gelasius I set up in 496th Pope Paul VI. Although 1969 was the day out of the Roman calendar of saints deleted, but the religious commemoration is still allowed.
The day of lovers, he was promoted to Geoffrey Chaucer's times and is in his poem at the betrothal of Richard II of England was first mentioned in this context:
For this was on Seynt Volantynys day
Whan euery Bryd comyth there to chese his make.

Chaucer is perhaps the inventor of today's Valentine's Day, even though he is certainly not the 14th February has meant, but perhaps more the 2nd May, who was on a day of betrothal, and second the anniversary of Valentine of Genoa.
Since 15 Century there were in England the couple and the Valentine Ideal of courtly love was celebrated with them.
Shakespeare mentioned the day Hamlet and Ophelia can talk like this: To-morrow
is Saint Valentine's day,
All in the morning betimes, And I a maid at
your window,
To be your Valentine. Then he rose up
, and donn'd his clothes, And
dupp'd the chamber-door;
Let in the maid, that out a maid Never departed more

Hamlet, Act IV, Scene 5

And the great John Donne has immortalized the day in one of his poems - romantic also become a cause, namely the marriage of Elizabeth, the daughter of King James' I, of Frederick V of the Palatinate. (The wedding took place on Valentine's Day.)
Here is an excerpt:
Hayle Bishop Valentine Whose day this is
All the Ayre is thy Diocese
And all the chirping querist
And other birds ar thy parishioners

from Count Palatine Frederick vpon Epithalamion and the Lady Elizabeth marryed on St. Valentines day , John Donne

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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a look at this!
Not only is it sunny and smells of spring.
He really comes out even timid.
That's just emerged from the house.

No use without permission.

And under the tree is the meadow full of snowdrops.
love all spring greetings to you and a sunny day!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

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A blessed Imbolc

A chumhnadh,
A chomhnadh,
A chomraig
At Tula,
An Taigh,
At teaghlaich,
At Oidhche,
At nochd,
Oh! aon to Oidhche,
At nochd,
Agus gach Oidhche,
Gach Oidhche.

To save,
To shield, To surround

The hearth,
The house,
The household,
This eve, This night
Oh! this eve, This night
And every night,
Each single night.

Prayer: Carmina Gadelica. Picture: me

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

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Saint Brighid's Day

Today is the day of Saint Brighid, Naomh Brid. Imbolc I celebrate tomorrow, but tonight I want "in Imbolc into" a Amount of white candles set into the window.
And since it's no big secret that I feel Bride closely, I present to celebrate the day my report again here.

Copyright © By Me, All Rights Reserved.

Saint Brigid of Kildare
or Brigid of Ireland (also known as Brigit, Bridget, Bridgit, Bríd or Bride; Naomh Bríd in Irish) is next Saint Patrick and Saint Columba one of Ireland's patron saint.
your holiday is 1 February or Candlemas - as with the Goddess Bride - traditionally the first day of spring in Ireland.
According to tradition, Brigid was born around the year 451 in Faughart in Dundalk, County Louth, Ireland. Her father was Dubhthach , the Chieftain of Leinster, of the old faith, clung to her mother Bocca, a Christian Piktin, which had by Patrick baptized. When Brigid was born out of her forehead, a powerful beam of light shot that illuminated the whole house - what would have naturally led to some talk in the village.
your father wanted to name it after the goddess Brigid (Bride). Perhaps, among other things because of this light beam for ... Bride is the Irishman as a flame of knowledge , that flame of knowledge.

Whether it was brought up already Christian or converted in the year 468, as stated in some reports, can not say exactly. The only certainty is that she was impressed by a very small of the sermons Saint Patricks and also their special abilities in healing and compassion were very early.
They say that they heal by laying on of hands and helped her blessing to the poor to improve their living situation. Her father was of course not particularly thrilled that she wanted to live a (Christian) religious life. there it is even have annoyed that she was so generous and could send no beggars. In his view, was a little too much of a good thing if it be his milk and meal to all the world and distributed. (Mag indeed be that she has exaggerated the largesse.) When they passed on even his jeweled sword to a leper, he thought that she should perhaps best be a nun. Unlike the girl could hardly afford. So they finally put her head through (behind this generosity may well have put quite calculation) and was sent to a convent.

Brigid received the veil from Saint Mel - is but is also an -Ban have been drui, which at that time was not uncommon - and took her vows. From then on, turn over their biographers with events and legends. A very cute, which is once again emphasizes the fiery aspect of the goddess Bride through their Begegnnung with the Bishop, who wanted to run before being incorporated into the monastery examine the accession talks and whether they are as suitable for the religious life. It was from the field, where they supplied the cows called in, and when she entered, she has been illuminated by a sunbeam, that it looked as if she had around a fiery halo around her head. When she took off her coat and hung up, said the Bishop, that he was hanging on a sunbeam. Thus, the admission interview was done ...
After she became a nun, she is said to have founded their first convent in Clara, County Offaly. Other start-ups were not long in coming. The best known is Kildare Abbey, which she founded in the year 470th It was a double monastery for both nuns and monks for the plains of Cill-Dara , the "church of the oak." Their cell was built under a large oak. (One of the sacred trees of the Druids.)
practiced as abbess of the monastery, they made a very great power and here again there are legends. So shall Saint Mel when they accidentally Äbtissinnenweihe the rite of episcopal ordination have read that can not be undone anymore. Whether or not it was because, Brigid and her successors were similar to the Synod of Kell in 1152 a management entirely to a bishop. I think it was in the old Celtic-Christian spirit perfectly normal to give women the higher orders.

Brigid was famous for their common sense and above all for its "holiness." It was considered too much like a saint during his lifetime. Kildare Abbey became one of the most prestigious monasteries in Ireland and was known throughout Christian Europe and famous. It is even often assumed that the Book of Kells was written here.

She died on 1 February 525 - to Imbolc - and was first buried on the high altar of her abbey church. But later her body after Downpatrick was taken, so she could rest on the side of the two other patron saints of Ireland.

in 2006, the eternal flame of the lit on the square in Kildare after a long time and burns since then.