Sunday, January 2, 2011

Get A Brazilian If I Have Genital Warts

新年 给 力 - xin nian gei lì - cool new year in China

新年快乐 - Frohes neues Jahr

Wie angekündigt, gibt es dieses mal wieder etwas kulturelles. Es geht um das viel diskutierte Internet und die chinesische Sprache.

Die englischsprachige China Daily Website schreibt über das Buch The Cult of the Amateur: How Today's Internet Is Killing Our Culture by the American Andrew Keen, the government is considering whether VoIP services like Skype will be blocked to protect the local telephone company, dissidents are blogging on the internet put under Hausa rest and Web sites with non-compliant party content blocked by China's firewall. The Chinese software producers from the messenger service QQ and the security software 360 ° stop a quarrel, Google is also in China constantly klinch with the authorities and I have to use a VPN client to access my blog access and time-equivalent of the Facebook chief, Facebook is blocked here in China as well, personally on a visit to China over.

What could I write about the most exciting internet here? Well, like everywhere in the world has been formed in China's own "Internet culture". This microcosm also has an impact beyond the borders of the Internet beyond. Today I want to tell a bit about how socio-cultural influences from the outside in this "Internet culture" dive, and how these in turn have effects on everyday life.

Zhang - Word of the Year 2010
Rising inflation, a Konsumerpreisindex of over 5% in November 2010 and by more than 11% increase in food prices will be discussed on the Internet heavily. The Netizens bring real life into the Internet, write and discuss in blogs here and very popular forums. In these discussions about the price increase again the term [ zhǎng] have been used. Zh ǎng means "grow," and this term has expressed displeasure with the steadily rising prices on the internet best. By far, that sign in a survey of es zum "Zeichen des Jahres" geschafft.  [Englischer Artikel: ] Das Beispiel zeigt, dass das Internet nicht nur irreale Welten wie die beliebten Spiele "World of Warcraft" oder "Call of Duty" beheimatet, sondern auch für alltägliches eine Plattform bildet.

Vote for Geili
Wie aus dem Internet heraus Einflüsse auf den Alltag entstehen soll ein anderes Beispiel zeigen. In nördlichen Dialekten wird der Begriff 给力 [gěi​ "Give strength, might be" lì] with its literal meaning is used. But more often this term has been, which is a bit of a debate similar to that of "cool" used to mean "cool", "great," "strong". On 10 November then used just the newspaper People's Daily (人民日报 - Ren Min Ri Bao) on the front page of the term geili in a headline. [English site: ]. The title page of this newspaper was subsequently shown in many Chinese blogs and discussed. This meant that der Begriff Geili in einer Umfrage der China Daily und Wenhua China als Kulturevent des Jahres 2010 zur Wahl vorgeschlagen wurde. Die Wahl läuft noch bis zum 15. Januar 2011, ich bin auf die Ergebnisse gespannt. (chinesische Seite: ]

Aufmerksam geworden bin ich auf den Begriff Geili durch ein Gespräch mit jungen chinesischen Studenten beim Weihnachtsessen vom Volkswagen Research Lab China. Erst darauf hin habe ich die Berichte darüber im Internet gelesen. Als wäre das nicht genug, habe ich diesen Begriff auch in der Werbung hier wiederfinden können, und zwar bei McDonalds. Dem Slogan von Fisherman's Friends Resembling a sharp praises McDonalds citizens with the saying "do not not hot geili" (不 辣 不 给 力 - là bu bu gei lì) to.

"not clear and not geili" at McDonald's in China

I hope this little foray into the modern Chinese language refers interested readers. Feedback is always welcome. Until the next post I wish all readers a

cool New Year (新年 给 力 - Xin nian gei lì).


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