Monday, January 31, 2011

English Womens Girdles

The first jobs was in the new year

Weather: cloudy and hazy , -5 ° C
Music: Sleep Song - Secret Garden
Here I sit in beautiful music, let my hair after washing, dry, drink some coffee and let the day go slow.
I Kränkel still out in front of me and last night had elevated temperature, which annoys me in the long run quite. But let's see what the result of January so strange and different keywords - even if today this will certainly be a few. I copy times here, as I find them.

angel Barbiel - not quaint. A very nice guy. And searched for quite often.
John of Gaunt - always looking for even more frequently. And a very great guy. Really great. Total toll. And searched in tens of variants.
Henry II - Also totally great. And I am delighted that we will find with such a search to me.
napkins missile - Uh ... yeah ... I'm in kindergarten schonmal made to birthdays.
"I want to be who I am" - Me too. So do I.
Thomas Becket - Haaaach, super nice too!
everything under the sky has its time : Looking In many, many varieties.
Very nice text from the Ἐκκλησιαστής the Septuagint or the Book of Ecclesiastes.
tree balls pop - Have I no. I prefer classical.
castile blanche - Hmm. I know. Blanche de Castille was a niece of Richard the Lionheart and saw the light of day in 1188. She was married very early with Lious VIII le Lion, the son of Philip II of France and was there on the court after all Goeffreys son Arthur as a friend. And now I hear time to on Schwaller.
brother of King Harold - Harold Godwin sunu? The brothers had jo .... Sweyn also Leofwine example, Tostig and Gyrth.
Harold was also sought out a lot and in all possible variations.
evil witch png - Do you think not, I'm sorry.
the wall before the throne of God - Very poetic search and he is comfortable with the Tarot card "The Universe" together, which I have sometimes expressed as personality card.
Edward of Wessex eadwine 933 - Eadwine was the brother of Athelstan's half-brother and the son of the Ælfweard looked for Edward. And died 933rd
horny angel - Hrrrrrrrrrrrr .....
money not in the box-rest - Do not know the saying.
Guy Fawkes Night as it came to holiday - Long story, but you can read here. Jo had, probably had bad luck with, nech -
Harald Harada claim to the throne ?
monastery of Moville, Ireland - * sigh * * * A megaseufz great place.
King of Jerusalem - was, among other times Guy de Lusignan
lindisfarne island - * sigh * * * megaseufz still a great place. And searched in some variants.
me is always bad - Then you should check the doctor and not rumsuchen on blogs.
name meaning moon whispering - Blah? Pretty self-explanatory, right?
turn nose - the power of asking you to. And above all: Not here!
nature spirits seen - Very nice. :)
nerves burn sugar - I do not know, because I do not burn sugar.
never satisfied - sorry.
otter people - Hm?
philipp 2 of france - * sigh * * * Yes megaseufz man the is great!
Roman god Bacchus liegent of leonardo davinci - Lying!
Roman father - the Romans had some ...
say "today" - And the search term you find anything?
darling - yes, there are already great darling.
patron farm - Uh ... Wendy, perhaps? He stands at least for the farmers.
patron saint Columbanus - He must have had bad problems with the lovely Irish women and have buried them in front of Lernerei. Anyway ... he went to Bangor and learned under the magnificent Comgall Abt. : D However, I have no idea why it have the bikers as a patron saint.
senan mac geircinn - still a Celtic saint. You are here staring .
sing geher - humph?
incredibly lonely - This is very sad.
who was william the conqueror? (Erklährt short) - Explained! Not erklährt! And so short you can not.
has reigned as Henry II england? - smashing! In addition to light angels

much, day passes, myself and the blog, and more historical Knüssel that I list now because my answers would be quite sprawling. But
amazing - very much stupid is not it this time.

But here's still the beautiful song with text in the image. :)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Suites With Hot Tubs In Room Las Vegas

Sunday greetings

The sun shines, the spring is in the air, Bride is very noticeable.
Is not that great?
increases since the same mood.
much I did not even show on here on the blog, only a botched image.
I have a terrible age-old trial version of Corel Painter made after my trial version of X has expired. And I must say I am not able to cope so real and it has become correspondingly bad. In the JPG conversion, it has also suffered - but it may well serve as a basis for an image with watercolor pencils. For Piers, I wanted a long, long repaint.
here it is once botched.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

What Kind Of Shoes To Wear With Slim Jeans Men

Thy Guardian

I'll be Thy light
When darkness falls
Thy shelter in the rain I'll be
Thy hope
When despair calls
Thou crie'st never in vain

Let Me Take Thee by Thy hand
And Thee guide through the storm
Nothing that by heart Thou dreamed
Will ever be forlorn

Until Thou Thy wings find'st
again I'll guide Thee, my
divine Love is the light that will remain
Until the end of time

© by me

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Where Are Saves On Gpsphone

Imbolc-tea mixture

Imbolc is indeed virtually on the door and just had this mixture of tea in my head.
Before they rush back again, I rather just write it on.
All these plants do I connect with Bride and Imbolc.

need for your tea blend 50 g:

20 g 10 g 20 g Klee
blackberry leaves (or dried blackberries)

violets stand for das Glück und die Liebe, Wunscherfüllung, Heilung und auch die Lust. So fand ich sie doppelt passend für eine Mischung für den Frühlingsbeginn (den Imbolc für mich irgendwie markiert).
Sie wirken außerdem beruhigend auf die Nerven und sollen auch gegen Kopfschmerzen helfen. Einer alten Überlieferung zufolge reicht dazu ein Veilchenkranz - ich würde es dann doch eher mit einem Tee versuchen.
Passend zu Brìde soll das Veilchen auch die Inspiration anregen.

Klee soll die außersinnlichen bzw. psychischen Kräfte stärken und steht für mich hier für Brìdes Feuer der Divination. Magisch steht Klee bei mir für den Schutz, die Liebe und auch success. How
violets, so should also help Klee for headaches and also clean the blood. You can use a tea blend beautifully fresh flower heads. This should of course be collected away from Dog Walking, fertilizer, etc..

The blackberry is here for me for the fire of healing. I see them as protective and healing properties, which can also strengthen the nerves. You will probably also be used for welfare spell - you can even try again. Hildegard of Bingen used the blackberry for include headache.

Hmm .. it looks like I have here not only Imbolc tea, but also a Schutztee and a tea against Kopfschmerzen.

Für eine Tasse wird ein gehäufter Teelöffel der Mischung mit kochendem Wasser überbrüht und 5-10 Minuten ziehen gelassen. Nach Bedarf und Geschmack süßen, am besten mit einem schönen Honig. (Oder auch gar nicht.)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Gay Cruising Areas In South Jersey

nausea and repeatedly hailed, mood

Wetter: grau, diesig und regnerisch

Heute bin ich schon wieder mit dieser fiesen Übelkeit aufgewacht. Das war so gegen 6 und ich hab mich nochmal rumgedreht um erst seeeeehr viel später wieder aufzustehen.
Jetzt sitz ich hier mit meinem Kaffee und mir ist immer noch schlecht.
This gastrointestinal Mist has absolutely tenacious. Dry bread, crackers and soup, I really can barely see - now we try it with delicious dry pasta. Other than that I

is "different secular" had a huge knowledge that tells me why I carried so many lives through it and also had "home" a specific pattern of me. This took me quite brought to tears and still does not help the realization much. But it's there, yes schonmal is the first step.

same time, I am also very motivated and always cheerful - even living off of the beautiful days with our wonderful visit and the beautiful certainty, a very old and very, very wiederzuhaben dear friend. And I also think the whole "work" and the many speeches on these days is to a large extent responsible for this whole ... hm ...." otherwise mundane processes. But hey, I've even wished me to develop spiritually ever - that also belongs to it. It deafened
powerful at the door and there will be someone painted - but I can not see who that is. But time will image. The documents of the
Orders of Bards, and Druids Ovates wait on me. I am the bard rate since December and have seen the days that I'm so not so alone.
The introductory package I got a while ago and it has much angestubst memories. I had long quarreled with me - one way I wanted for a long time very important and I also know that an awful lot hidden ancient knowledge will again dig within me. On the other hand, was of course the financial aspect. The good people are against me but come a lot and I am very happy that I could fulfill this wish now.
I still wait for the right time for the "initiation" with which I would like to start the course. I think that's very, very soon so be against or Imbolc, because I can equal or pick up a boost from Bride.

Sooo ... and now I must go down to overcome my car. After getting the accident before Christmas es morgen endlich eine neue Heckklappe und der Rest wird gerichtet.

Aber hier noch ein Gedicht, das ich wunderschön finde.

Air and Angels

Twice or thrice had I loved thee,
Before I knew thy face or name ;
So in a voice, so in a shapeless flame
Angels affect us oft, and worshipp'd be.
Still when, to where thou wert, I came,
Some lovely glorious nothing did I see.
But since my soul, whose child love is,
Takes limbs of flesh, and else could nothing do,
More subtle than the parent is
Love must not be, but take a body too ;
And therefore what thou wert, and who,
I bid Love ask, and now
That it assume thy body, I allow,
And fix itself in thy lip, eye, and brow.

Whilst thus to ballast love I thought,
And so more steadily to have gone,
With wares which would sink admiration,
I saw I had love's pinnace overfraught ;
Thy every hair for love to work upon
Is much too much ; some fitter must be sought ;
For, nor in nothing, nor in things
Extreme, and scattering bright, can love inhere ;
Then as an angel face and wings
Of air, not pure as it, yet pure doth wear,
So thy love may be my love's sphere ;
Just such disparity
As is 'twixt air's and angels' purity,
'Twixt women's love, and men's, will ever be.

John Donne

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Eyebrow Waxing Jc Penny

Another Train

I am so happy.
And we can do it again and again. :)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Worst Sore Throat No Fever

Imbolc Humor

I had been a doctor's appointment this morning, and although it was freezing cold, yet somehow everything feels after just a spring. The air smells different
anything, the birds sing different ... I almost feel, to feel how the snowdrops and crocuses make their way from the earth.
And, although it has not snowed here yesterday morning.
is now melted away everything and it chirps happily outside the window.
Bride is very present and in the odd Celtic horoscope is now the time "my" tree, the Bride explained to me as "my" (which I'm not today have understood correctly) and under the sign I was born in this suspicious Horoscope .
The mountain ash.
time carried the people of Cornwall and Scotland like equilateral crosses from the wood of this tree with him - for protection. And the Druids it was important, it says that the Tuatha Dé Danann were the mountain ash from the land of promise - brought to Ireland - Tir Tairnagire.
Hmmm ... I think I have to write something to the tree. Perhaps I understand more then what damit gemeint ist, "das ist deins".

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Audi A3 Tdi Vs. Sportwagen

Tomorrow there's nothing (明天 没有 - mingtian meiyou) felt

Jianbing (煎饼)
Jeder der schon mal in China war hat mindestens einmal "meiyou" (gibt es nicht, haben wir nicht) gehört. Aber nach einigen Reisen und einer Weile in China hörte ich heute zum ersten Mal "mingtian meiyou" (morgen gibt es das nicht). Es geht um das Frühstück auf dem Tongji Campus in Jiading. Im Sommer gab es noch eine Auswahl von vier verschiedenen Verkaufsständen für Frühstück, Jianbing (煎饼),Roubing (肉饼),Jiaozi (饺子) und Baozi (包子).

Als das Wetter dann kälter was closed to just the Jianbing shop. First only in the morning, then lunch and dinner there was no longer on sale on campus. Jianbing is a mix of crepes, pancakes and Turkish pizza. On a hot plate of prepared dough with egg, some vegetables, coriander and a sauce, if desired sharp, filled and folded hand or mouth accessible. The Jianbing be eaten warm. One serving here costs 3 yuan, about 33 euro cents.

Qian Ceng Bing (千层饼)
Roubing When I shop I usually Qian Ceng Bing (千层饼) (thousand Schichten Gebäck) gegessen. Auch dieses gibt es scharf (辣的 - la de) oder nicht scharf (不辣的 - bu la de). Ich habe immer scharf bestellt. Eine Portion kostet auch hier 3 Yuan. Die mit Fleisch oder Gemüse gefüllten Gepäcke im Hintergrund des Bildes kosten 2 bis 2,5 Yuan. Beides bekommt man warm. Als auch dieser Laden geschlossen hatte, brauchte ich eine neue Alternative.
Jiaozi (饺子)

Diese bestand dann aus Jiaozi. Hier gab es nur mit Schweinefleisch gefüllte Jiaozi. Das sind kleine Teigtaschen die gedämpft oder gebraten werden. Die Jiaozi hier are attenuated in large bamboo baskets. You get five pieces for 3 yuan. Unlike the other two breakfasts to eat the warm Jiaozi then with chopsticks.

Baozi (包子)
Today was also the Jiaozi shop, and there were only left with the Baozi. Unusually, the snake was there the last days not so long. So I got myself Baozi. One filled with red bean paste, and filled with vegetables. Baozi Teigknöddel are thick with filling. Two-piece and to have a tea ball to me as breakfast gets. Dafür habe ich dann ebenfalls 3 Yuan bezahlt. Auch die Baozi werden in Bambuskörben gedämpft und warm gegessen.

Das chinesische Frühstück hat noch mehr zu bieten, einige Sachen gibt es hier in der Mensa, andere sind garnicht auf dem Campus verfügbar. Da ich aber keine Mensakarte habe, und es keine Bargeldkasse gibt, bin ich auf die Läden draußen angewiesen. Was hat das aber jetzt alles mit der Überschrift zu tun?

Seit drei Tagen schneit es nun in Shanghai, nicht so viel wie vor Wochen in einigen Teilen Deutschlands, und mit Null Grad ist es auch nicht besonders kalt. Wie auch immer, sei es durch die wegbleibenden Kunden, die zu faul sind durch den Schnee zu laufen, oder die Kälte, die Perhaps the sellers who sell in their shops open, but in the "herd" standing, my breakfast. Today I heard on the last remaining stand, the Baozi stand, then "mingtian meiyou, yinwei xiaxue" (明天 没有 因为 下雪-sense: there is no tomorrow because it's snowing). A bit of snow puts So in the "Better city, better life" Expo lame and cosmopolitan Shanghai, the whole breakfast infrastructure for me ... I will say after a little look around other things need to hopefully have the stands near my apartment complex, something for me, otherwise I'll have to do without breakfast.

The Shanghai Weather station has been issued for today snow warning , 73 flights at Hongqiao Airport and 37 were delayed at Pudong Airport, one failed.
Here are some pictures of the innocent snow on campus

In Harbin, capital of China's north-east Heilongjiang province, there are currently -19 degrees, wind chill -27 (2011-01-20 12:36 Beijing time clock). On 29 January, I'll fly there and finally I look at the ice-lantern festival, I am very excited and will report back, hopefully with great pictures.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Irregular Heartbeat, Pain In Chest And Right Arm

Cainneach's Blessing

The thr eef old bles sing on you
The blessing of faith, love and hope
May you always feel the presence of God
And may you always feel cradled in His hand
May you unearth the treasures of your soul
And let them glow like an inner fire
May your fire and love be like a hearth
For friends and strangers to warm at
And may your light shine around you
And spread for everyone to see
May your trust be your chapel and your fireplace
And may you always be aware
Of your own inner beauty

The words were just simply there.
I had only known Cainneach's Blessing, because it primarily for the wonderful friends "from back then in Clonard" are so funny this sounds perhaps like.
Edit: And today (. 21.1) I have given him back the old name again)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Do I Need To Wash My Pillows If I Have Lice

Here I

slip away ... And again a few little tears.
Because of this song that I just found and that's entirely appropriate now (and me a bit of one of my own poems recalls).

Milena Velba Bus Imagefap

5 wonderful days

Great men are they who see that spiritual is stronger than
material force, that thoughts rule the world

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Weather : , 8 ° C
Music: Winter Winds - Mumford & Sons
is the music lively and the weather is spring like with really bright sunshine. Outside, the birds sing and dare to actually the first flowers out.
And after 2Wölfe since noon yesterday is gone.
last week it was very wonderful for five days. We had so much fun, deep insights, conversations and experiences that I can not even put in a blog entry. Since it was not matter that the days were rained out, because we have already used a lot of time to talk, talk, talk.
It was like visiting a very old friend, whom we meet again and it just insanely happy. And it has been found in the course of the day that the simply fact is so. We know three or four non-us until now and since the assumptions and memories that were already there, were then confirmed by feedback.
Somehow we have to really work in a way even on a spiritual level - by said returns, readings and all the many discussions. That might sound deadly serious, but we were in no ethereal clouds, but had a lot of joy, have a lot of laughter but also cried.
That is - I had pinched the wines so far, but it just finally came out a bit. And because of the knowledge that there was a very great man who had such incredible power, such an incredible knowledge and such a firm faith that ich ganz furchtbar lieb hatte - und nicht nur ich. Und dieser Mann hat so sehr an sich gezweifelt und hat sich so lange unglaublich einsam und alleine gefühlt. Dabei hatte er weder jemals Grund für seine Zweifel noch war er jemals allein.
Ja, die Zweifel...Noch so eine Erkenntnis. Das können wir alle gut, an uns zweifeln, unser Licht unter den Scheffel stellen und uns für das, was wir aus ganzem Herzen wollen nicht gut genug fühlen. Und wir haben alle nochmal deutlich vor Augen geführt bekommen, dass wir keinen Grund dafür haben. Dass wir alle vertrauen sollen. In uns und auch in unsere Schnuffis "von oben".
Wir können nämlich schaffen, was wir wirklich möchten und wir können großartige Dinge alleine and also created together. I look forward to all of it.

I said, we have all spoken very much. From Friday to Saturday and Anaitis was here, what was great just great. It just fit all and we are rarely come before 5:00 in the morning in bed.

Yesterday we did not until a little visit in the cathedral (the day before we were at least sometimes in the Altenberg Cathedral), soaked up the atmosphere, but unfortunately demonstrate not much, since service was and the time to 2Wölfes departure is not handed to the waiting. Well, we need to catch up. Like tours in the near and far and and and.

smelled these 5 days in any event after Rose, Weihrauch (Zuhausegefühl), Honig, Comgalls typischem Kräuterduft, Kaffee, Met...und normannischem Camembert, der die ganze Wohnung zudünsten kann.

Danke, dass Ihr da seid, Ihr Schnuffis!
Und Mumford & Sons sagen:
You are not alone in this
As brothers we will stand and we'll hold your hand

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Can Aswini Hair Oil Be Diluted For Good Results


Once in the new year, is it time to get rid of the hard training. Meanwhile, we train the 16 hour per week. With, of course, even long trips GA. Currently the weather is really great for us bikers! ;-)

We are concerned both very good health. Andis carpal bone has healed and made Michi's immune system again. We are healthy and in terms of performance has steadily improved. Michi had at first to struggle with strong endurance problems, no wonder after 3 months sports break. He was the first preparatory phase to moderate, but now it comes back that shape! ;-) Are

news also from UNION XC Club Race Team!

support since the fall of 2010 we are one of the largest Young talents of the region UNION XC Club rookie Michael Kirschenhofer . In particular, we support him in his training schedule. In the coming season we will be Michael with our experience to the side. We are confident that we will be hearing a lot about this young talent and ..... perhaps as early as next season

ifs is news we will answer.

Ride on!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Swollen Tongue Sore Throat And Gums Mean?

earthquake in Shanghai

Today, on 12 January 2011 at 09:19 (Beijing time), there were about 230 km from Shanghai, an earthquake of magnitude 5.0 in the Yellow Sea. The earthquake we have felt in Shanghai, Jiading District. The office building of Volkswagen China Research Lab on the campus of Tongji University has for about 20 seconds wobbled slightly.

The search with in Chinese with 上海 地震 (dizhen Shanghai - Shanghai earthquakes) that gave a hit like in the news and on the normal results on Google were also the real time search results from google, mainly out of twitter.
real-time search results in Google

real-time Twitter search results on Google (in China)

This is interesting because I've never seen that real-time search results are on the normal hit list nor that they are updated online, as in a ticker. Even more interesting is how much was twittering seconds after the quake, also in Chinese. First, this is actually working, on the other, is Twitter in China actually blocked by the great Chinese firewall ... but there are probably more ways - somehow I come to my blog. Another interesting Punkt ist, dass so Twitter Feeds, auch wenn geblockt, ohne VPN oder proxy in China gelesen werden können. Das Bedarf aber noch einer "genaueren" Prüfung ;-) Facebook und andere Microblog und Nachrichtendienste sollen ebenfalls in Googles Echtzeitsuche fallen. Probiert es selber:

Jetzt habe ich noch zwei Karten mit der Position des Erdbebens eingefügt. Die Karten sind von einer chinesischen Nachrichtenseite .

Beben im Gelben Meer

quake, about 230km away from Shanghai