Sunday, November 21, 2010

Email To Introduce A New Doctor

I'm (not) stupid - Media Markt opened in Shanghai

Big Media market opening on 17 November 2010
waiting for admission

The amount will be left purely
goods by Chinese manufacturers

sold Iphone 4
Finally, I could wait, but probably not the quantity, and so it was over packed as on 11.17.2010 by 19 clock of the first media market in China the Houhai Road, Shanghai its doors to the free-spending fellow opened the door. The run was added, perhaps as large as it was in the advertising of the special offers the iPhone 4th Not cheap, but it is available, as in Shanghai and Hong Kong get at the moment not even the Apple Store. But the Metro Group was cautious and has been distributed to the morning waiting coupons with which the standing in the queue then the object of their Begierde ergattern konnten. Als ich um ca. 20:30 Uhr am Ort des Geschehens vorbei kam, war immer noch ein riesen Andrang, die Mitarbeiter haben nur vereinzelt Leute hereingelassen, sehr zum Unmut der Menge, die teilweise versuchte die Gruppe Mitarbeiter an der Absperrung zu durchbrechen. Das Iphone war dann schon lange vergriffen und so kamen die Leute entweder mit leeren Händen oder den ebenfalls im Angebot befindlichen Compaq Notebooks raus. Ich wusste zwar nicht, dass es die noch gibt, aber nun denn. Einige fanden das Angebot wohl so verlockend, dass sie gleich mehrere Notebooks raus schleppten, Andere bevorzugten es einfach einen Wasserkocher zu kaufen. Gut, der wäre überall anders nicht teurer gewesen, man hätte nicht anstehen müssen und hassle of sifting through a huge store, but ok ...

inside, too, had to

According to the messages waiting on the next day the store was still open to 24 Clock and in these days, it planned a longer opening time. I have not tested, but still wonder what they still wanted to sell. If I have time this week to do nothing I'm going to go there yourself and see how the world's second largest media market (only one is larger in Munich) is so. If there is something worth mentioning, would I report.

Plenty staff - outside
Media Markt Truck


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