Friday, November 26, 2010

How Do I Find Out The Kind Of Haro Bike I Have

Summary 2010

After last season, which was terminated early for Michi, a resume is still missing from our site.

Andi could show this season back in full. After initial problems with the food he could in the summer really hyper and finally in Transalp enter stage wins, which we did not think the best of intentions.

Transalp - the one Freud, the other suffering: was

for Michael after the departure of the 4th Transalp Stage also equal to the entire season is over. .

given a short statement:
"I was seen this year sporting a very instructive After I've been training in the winter really well, I could celebrate in the spring of first small successes, the entire season but was voted on one race - Transalp.. In June, I was 2 weeks in bed with the flu, was the first sign that something is not right. This evidence was then trained away just after 2 weeks of bed rest. With a lot of pressure and great success attitude was trained until a week before the Transalp, which has given away the body. Long story short: Over training or performance expressed scientifically burnout. Then I took 2.5 months break, but do not train your body only to give it back what I had taken from him for months. Cycling is the way we operate it is purely a tightrope walk. Assuming the degree along, you will arrive at its destination. If we waver, however, by private, health or professional problems ins, you can very quickly be very deep. "

detect such problems in future time and to oppose this, we have put together a small health-care package. Monthly blood tests, ongoing Performance tests and especially the optimal utilization of the regeneration time available for the winter months at the top.

But now, enough of the melancholy words! Everything must go, and the 2011 season is already just around the corner! ;-)

Our motivation and passion for cycling is unbroken, so ....

.... ride on!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Positive Effects Of Cipralex

The Week at a Glance

Last weekend I was again in great Shanghai Ocean Aquarium . Even after the third visit mitlerweile several years I always find it exciting and beautiful there.

was even more exciting but this week that I have read the English edition of the book "The Rape of Nanking" by Iris Chang to the end. In this book, the occupation of the then Chinese capital of Nanking, now Nanjing, very detailed with all the atrocities that happened there described. This enables the reader to current tensions between China and Japan to understand. The next book I have today, "How to Sell Yourself: Using Leadership, to read starting likability, and Luck to Succeed "by Arch Lustenberger

course was the attack of the North Koreans to the South Korean Island in the news thread here, just as the number of snow in the resin, most of the news but is spent on the Asian Games in Guangzhou, where China has Medailenspiegel quotes with previously 176 gold medals and 361 medals.

Medailenspiegel 2010-11-25

On Saturday in Pudong, a district of Shanghai driven the final DTM race on a road course. I do not have tickets for this event, supposedly there are tickets in all categories 18-180 €, but I will not go too well.

2010 China Road Race (DTM)

That was really all again for this week, see what the weekend brings.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Email To Introduce A New Doctor

I'm (not) stupid - Media Markt opened in Shanghai

Big Media market opening on 17 November 2010
waiting for admission

The amount will be left purely
goods by Chinese manufacturers

sold Iphone 4
Finally, I could wait, but probably not the quantity, and so it was over packed as on 11.17.2010 by 19 clock of the first media market in China the Houhai Road, Shanghai its doors to the free-spending fellow opened the door. The run was added, perhaps as large as it was in the advertising of the special offers the iPhone 4th Not cheap, but it is available, as in Shanghai and Hong Kong get at the moment not even the Apple Store. But the Metro Group was cautious and has been distributed to the morning waiting coupons with which the standing in the queue then the object of their Begierde ergattern konnten. Als ich um ca. 20:30 Uhr am Ort des Geschehens vorbei kam, war immer noch ein riesen Andrang, die Mitarbeiter haben nur vereinzelt Leute hereingelassen, sehr zum Unmut der Menge, die teilweise versuchte die Gruppe Mitarbeiter an der Absperrung zu durchbrechen. Das Iphone war dann schon lange vergriffen und so kamen die Leute entweder mit leeren Händen oder den ebenfalls im Angebot befindlichen Compaq Notebooks raus. Ich wusste zwar nicht, dass es die noch gibt, aber nun denn. Einige fanden das Angebot wohl so verlockend, dass sie gleich mehrere Notebooks raus schleppten, Andere bevorzugten es einfach einen Wasserkocher zu kaufen. Gut, der wäre überall anders nicht teurer gewesen, man hätte nicht anstehen müssen und hassle of sifting through a huge store, but ok ...

inside, too, had to

According to the messages waiting on the next day the store was still open to 24 Clock and in these days, it planned a longer opening time. I have not tested, but still wonder what they still wanted to sell. If I have time this week to do nothing I'm going to go there yourself and see how the world's second largest media market (only one is larger in Munich) is so. If there is something worth mentioning, would I report.

Plenty staff - outside
Media Markt Truck

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Fireflies Ron Pope Music Sheet For Piano

Green Mobility

Two days conference on the Green Mobility in China, had in addition to lots of cakes, lunch and coffee or exchanging business cards with just under 30 working in China, 1st and 2nd tier suppliers, OEMs and service providers to follow. Among the many visitors I have four German kennen gelernt, vielleicht waren sogar noch mehr da.

Es wurde über Infrastruktur, Roadmaps, Technik, Add-ons und Nieschen gesprochen. Alles in allem ein rundes Programm rund um New Energy Vehicle und gute Networking Möglichkeiten, organisiert von der China Decision Makers Consultancy (CDMC) .

Nächste Woche veranstaltet gasgoo , ein dem Automarkt in China gewidmetes Medienunternehmen ebenfalls eine Veranstaltung zum Thema Elektroautos, den New Energy Automotive Summit 2010 .

Population Genetics And Evolution Pre Lab

On Mao's footsteps in Shanghai

Auch wenn man immer wieder hört, dass Shanghai far away from Beijing, and it is of its central government, there is still an old resident Mao Tse-tung (毛泽东 旧居) which acts as a small museum, with free admission and student volunteers who operate as guides surpised.

Except for some photos and a few exhibits of Mao's life, but then there is not really much to see. I was glad it was free. Still worth a visit even if you do not really learn much of Mao's life and his politics there, you can see some photos from that time there.

Honey Farm Banagalore

and so it continues ...

now, a dream of a few readers, Continued ...

Audi A6L BEV - Morning Light 都市 晨光
On Saturday, 30 October 2010 was the big day at the Audi Tongji University, Jiading, Shanghai. Establishing and inauguration of the Audi - Tongji JointLab for joint research in collaboration created vollelktrisch driven Audi A6L BEV was presented. Audi Board and the Beijing Ministry of Science and Technology Wan Gang, have razed a test drive.

Minister WAN Gang and Rupert Stadler (Chairman of Audi AG)
The next day it was all in German, English and Chinese media.

In the week after I drove the Audi once and I must say that there is a Battery-Electric Cars (BEV) is very good to drive. The BMW

Day on Monday on it was then aligned differently. With hip-hop, computer car racing and a spin as a passenger in the BMW 3 Series would probably bring the young people the "joy of driving" in more detail, while Audi the day before its "Vorsprung durch Technik" demonstrated ...

Saturday, November 6, 2010

What Are The Brown Spots From Tanning

Media Market update: Wan Cheng De

My brother has made me with a link to Focus Online point out that the info is in my blog about the media market in Shanghai would have updated what I do hereby - not without pointing out that apparently not everything in a focus article is properly written and researched. Have time and again blamed the Western media with news about China, because they should really work, because otherwise one can understand the negative views of the Chinese about Western media really soon.

opening 17 November 2010
The media market in China is called "De Cheng Wan (万 得 城) with an" N "and inaugurated on Wednesday 17 November 2010 what is on their Chinese and English website, and on huge advertisements in the city. Also, there are indicated on the website 13,000 m² area and not, as in Article 9.500.

Whether the image is real in the article, I will probably only after 17 November can say, at least there is the Chinese name shown ;-)

De Cheng Wan - Media Markt

How Much Does Mechadoll Cost

propaganda then and now Shanghai

Saturday morning (10/30/2010) I was in a small museum for propaganda posters from the Mao period. Something hidden in the basement of an apartment block a Chinese issued a remarkable collection of interesting propaganda posters. The beautiful, all pictures are labeled with the origin and the key message in English. For 20 RMB admission is really a worthwhile trip I was able to make thanks January s info, for I knew not yet. One can not really shoot it, but for my readers, I had the time yet dared :-)

propaganda posters

From the booklet
I I then there is also a booklet with pictures of the exhibition and a "Lei Feng ( wikipedia article to Lei Feng ) Posters purchased together for about 20 €.

Studiere Lei Feng

Auf dem Poster steht 'learn from Lei Feng, to do the "four" new man', was soviel bedeutet, wie "studiere Lei Feng, schaffe neue Menschen mit (den) vier Eigenschaften. Diese sind vorbildlich (ideals), tugendhaft (moral), gebildet (educated) und gesinnungstreu (discipline) (Interpretation und Übersetzung stammen von mir, Quelle: Yahoo - "four" are the four newcomers have ) .

the stairs!
There is no one with NEM Iphone went out 4 da
Then we continued to the Apple Store in Pudong with the infamous glass staircase, which already caused a stir because they realized that was there looked like under the skirts of the girls. In the Apple Store in the Huaihai Road, there are also such a staircase.

entrance to the Apple Store Pudong

Modern propaganda?
The iPhone 4 you can get in either. One wonders at the great professionals there to get the information it must pre-order on the website. To the remark that the site is so completely in Chinese and the foreigners would not be possible to get a printout of an English manual with screenshots of the site. For all of Now I think I wanted to buy an Iphone 4, no, surely not ;-) My colleague and Mitpraktikant at Volkswagen, January ( Jans Blog ) would like to do to have one. The problem is that on the website of the button to order is not there, because it's sold out ... crazy. Although every Chinese may buy only one per day (specify the identity card) have probably bootleggers, it is said, bought the stocks. A fake iPhone with Android 1.6 slots and two SIM cards can be found here for starting at 40 euro ;-)

I'll probably wait for the HTC Desire HD . The great dealers here do not even know this. I always wanted to Desire, and a turn on HD2, hehe. Hopefully gibt es bald das pleco dictionary für Android, dann schlage ich zu.

HTC Desire HD

Mechadoll Toy Demonstration

Late Night

Am Freitag, 29. Oktober 2010 war ich dann auf Fototour am Bund und habe die nächtliche Aussicht mit all den Lichtern auf digitalen Fotos fest zu halten versucht. Ein paar Ergebnisse sind in meinem Picasa Album "2010-10-30 Shanghai Latenight" zu sehen.

said Federal (pun)
Just before the light Out Turn

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How To Get Tilt In Lacr

What happened so far ...

start as so many series, and since I also have nothing for three weeks have written in my blog, I thought that would be a good introduction.

Unfortunately, I can remember also do not remember exactly what I since 11 October, the date of the last blog entry had done everything, but the photos should be able to help me further.

Am Samstag dem 16. Oktober habe ich mich auf die Suche nach einem angeblichen "Lei Feng Souvenir Shop" begeben. Diesen habe ich bei googlemaps gefunden, und da mich der Mustersoldat Lei Feng aus der Mao Zeit interessiert wollte ich dort mal vorbei schauen.

Bei googlemaps waren auch eine Adresse und Fotos verfügbar, auf den Fotos war der Laden zwar geschlossen, aber dabei hatte ich mir nichts gedacht...bis ich ihn dann tatsächlich gefunden hatte. Er war immer noch geschlossen, oder schon wieder? Die Schilder waren andere als bei googlemaps, nun schien es ein Tattoo-Studio gewesen zu sein, der Rost an dem Schloss deutet aber darauf hin, dass this is also closed for a long time.

Longhua Pagoda
Sunday on it I was at the Longhua Pagoda, unfortunately, the bridge was able to shoot from where the pagoda against the setting sun been demolished. The building with the supermarket apparently has something new, larger soft.

New Energy
In the spirit of the "New Energy" is but the lighting apparently fed by solar energy, very progressive, what is on the phone in the temple can not say, however, or is it an Iphone 5?
Iphone 5 (?)

New Energy Vehicle

course The temple is dedicated to the progressive mobilization of the Chinese. The owner of this energy-saving vehicle a renowned German manufacturer, however, was not to make. The monks so also all the martyrs ;-) In Orange Park, but everything is still the same. The older people there still go backwards or clap their hands to keep fit around.


Eine Woche später war ich dann zum fünften und für mich letztem Mal auf der Expo. Es regnete in Strömen und so wurden nicht die expected 1.3 million visitors counted. Full it was still everywhere, and I was back only in the smaller pavilion where we did not have to queue. Bremen, Hamburg and back to the pavilion with the Chinese provinces.

Bremen state sponsors
China Pavilion

Chinese flexibility
German Procedure
electric car EWE on the Bremen state

vs China. Hamburg is Germany in the pavilion as a photo study

electric mobility also subject to the state of Bremen Expo. Far from over, but interest was probably the topic car sharing. Both visitors and the media, but more in a later blog entry.