Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Do I Have Trichonomas

XC Club Club Championships - Hill Climb Jauerling

Andi Kirchberger is club champion!

were at the end of the XC Club Mühldorf very successful season this year be held on Saturday 2nd October to 3.Mal the club championships with an MTB Hill Climb on Jauerling.

Andi Kirchberger was not surprising as in the previous year as the first mountain bikers on Jauerling and thus named the club champion.

He managed the distance to the summit of Mühldorf on the Jauerling (about 600 hm) in 26:50 minutes and was so in spite of adverse weather conditions (fog and wet) only by 3 seconds slower than last year. The elite racers and flagship of the XC Club Mühldorf confirmed with an impressive presentation of his top form.

days for two minutes was the local hero Markus Loew in 29:50 before Günther Bauer in 31:31. reached the summit cross. Michi Reichl was due to his break from training and a stay abroad is not at the start.

XC-Club Obmann Reinhard Lorenz freute sich über die rege Teilnahme und nahm im Anschluss an das Rennen im Pichlerhaus am Jauerling die Siegerehrung vor. Andi nützte die Gelegenheit um sich beim Vorstanb für die gute Zusammenarbeit und Unterstützung zu bedanken.

Andi legt nun eine wohlverdiente Wettkampfpause ein ehe er im November zusammen mit Michi Reichl wieder das Training für die kommende Saison aufnehmen wird .


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