Monday, October 11, 2010

How Old Do You Have To Be To Work At Gyms

media market in China

Now finally gets Shanghai "... my store." A media market Flagship Store will be opened in the Houhai Road. The date has apparently not yet, at least ist auch auf der Website von Media Markt China noch nichts zu lesen.

MediaMarkt (Shanghai) Consulting Service Co., Ltd.
9/F Golden Bell Plaza, 98 Huai Hai Road (M), Luwan District
+86 21 3331 5198

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Snl Commercial About Farts

Expo 2010 Shanghai, the third day

Made in Germany
An Tag drei meines Expo Besuches habe ich nochmals den Deutschland Pavillon besucht um den Stempel in meinen Expo-Reisepass zu bekommen. Außerdem konnte ich durch die Teilnahme an einer Besucherumfrage die begehrten Pins des Deutschland Pavillon erhalten, die ich später gegen Pins von Puto District (mein Wohnviertel in Shanghai), Tongji University (die Uni auf deren Campus auch das Büro meines Praktikums liegt), Beijing (meiner Lieblingsstadt) und Tibet (mein mystisches Reiseziel) tauschen konnte :-)

Ich bin also zum Jäger und Sammler geworden, das zog sich dann besonders in dem Gemeinschaftspavillon der chinesischen Provinzen weiter durch, wo ich von allen 31 ausstellenden Provinzen Stempel für meinen Expo-Reisepass sammeln konnte.

Buddhistisches aus Tibet

Tibetischer Tanz
Hübsche Tibeterin

Irgend eine Provinz...
Heilongjiang Provinz

Hainan Island
Autonome Region Ningxia

Autonome Region Xinjang
The women in Xinjiang are very large ;-)

dancers from Xinjiang

State Grid was
dinner we have on the state of Bremen Hochschule Bremen meets Partner "with wine from the cellar Council and German sausages. Subsequently, I have yet visited the Hamburg-Haus and the issue of State Grid, China's largest energy utilities (electricity).

Bremer Stadtmusikanten

Pause auf dem Bremen Stand
E-Mobility auf dem Bremen Stand

Einige sicher interessante Pavillons konnte ich then visit but not because I was not ready for several hours as U.S. and Russia to stand on. In England and Italy, I had to get, unfortunately, unsuccessful in the attempt as a "Schengen-Europeans" easy-access. Overall, I could take it so far to 60 stamps in the passport, on the first day I had the not yet.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Do I Have Trichonomas

XC Club Club Championships - Hill Climb Jauerling

Andi Kirchberger is club champion!

were at the end of the XC Club Mühldorf very successful season this year be held on Saturday 2nd October to 3.Mal the club championships with an MTB Hill Climb on Jauerling.

Andi Kirchberger was not surprising as in the previous year as the first mountain bikers on Jauerling and thus named the club champion.

He managed the distance to the summit of Mühldorf on the Jauerling (about 600 hm) in 26:50 minutes and was so in spite of adverse weather conditions (fog and wet) only by 3 seconds slower than last year. The elite racers and flagship of the XC Club Mühldorf confirmed with an impressive presentation of his top form.

days for two minutes was the local hero Markus Loew in 29:50 before Günther Bauer in 31:31. reached the summit cross. Michi Reichl was due to his break from training and a stay abroad is not at the start.

XC-Club Obmann Reinhard Lorenz freute sich über die rege Teilnahme und nahm im Anschluss an das Rennen im Pichlerhaus am Jauerling die Siegerehrung vor. Andi nützte die Gelegenheit um sich beim Vorstanb für die gute Zusammenarbeit und Unterstützung zu bedanken.

Andi legt nun eine wohlverdiente Wettkampfpause ein ehe er im November zusammen mit Michi Reichl wieder das Training für die kommende Saison aufnehmen wird .

Monday, October 4, 2010

Best Thickness For Driver License Id Card

Asian dance rocks German Expo pavilion party

These guests from Thailand and the Philippines have rocked the party at the German Expo Pavilion correctly as the DJ was a bit lame. Just the drum on it and go out dancing. Great show and lots of fun.

Eml E100 Light Staying On

two days

Before the Chinese pavilion
Sun, 2 days fair are behind me. The longest queue I have avoided, at the German Pavilion German come without having to wait in, then I selected a few smaller ones, where you had to wait and even in Australia, I made it in under an hour wait.

queue before security check
On the second day I was then traveling with Janina, whose Identity as member of the Bremen state, could guide us to some snake over. was

evening on day one, there is a lecture on Chinese management culture by Prof. Dr. Monika Schaedler on the Bremen to the entire stand was in the Expo program of the University of Bremen.

Chinese management culture (Prof. Dr. Monika Schadler, University of Bremen)

Germany Pavilion
On 3 October there was the occasion of the celebrations for the 20th anniversary of German reunification, a party at the Germany pavilion. In addition there was live music by " Brockdorff Klang Labor " and later by the DJ. This Radeberger pilsner or wheat beer flat rate. After 2 clock I was also at home, but when I went there it was ...

Brockdorff Klang Labor (German Pavilion, Expo 2010 Shanghai)

celebration ...

Live Musik, 20 Jahre Deutsche Wiedervereinigung (Expo 2010, Shanghai)

Xi'an Pavillon
In meinem Expo-Reisepass habe ich nun schon 18 Einträge, aber am ersten Tag hatte ich den auch noch nicht...Was mich aber ärgert ist das Gedränge an den Stempelstationen und das man tatsächlich bei einigen Ländern für kleine Aufkleber bezahlen muss weil sie keinen Stempel haben, oder manchmal auch für Aufkleber mit Stempel.