Monday, June 7, 2010

Commonwealthofpennsylvania Department Of Health

Alpentour Resümee

A Top 20 result and 16 World Cup points is impressive even in light of the strong international cast. Moreover, there was Andi's first stage race! ran the whole season in the long distance race is not perfect, after 2 h, more energy reserves were all empty and we went at a snail's pace to the finish. The very good friend und Diätologin Sabine Groiss half Andi seine Ernährung in der Vorwettkampfphase zu optimieren und seine Speicher für das Rennen optimal zu füllen. Die erste Probe in Bad Großpertholz war noch nicht optimal, aber schon besser als alles davor. Aus Mangel an Langdistanzrennen vor der Alpentour war es nun sehr spannend für Andi ob es bei der 1 Etappe gut laufen würde oder ob nach 2h wieder die Speicher leer sind. Das erklärt auch die anfänglich eher verhaltene Fahrweise.

Bei der 4. Etappe wusste er dann das er alles geben konnte und die Speicher nicht leer werden! Bergauf lief es so gut das er Fahrer um Fahrer(unter anderem Strobl, Pliem, Brentjens and Metzler!) obsolete, had arrived at the summit of the obsolete 15 drivers. And downhill in the past very rooted trails Andi got a little time. The last kilometers Andi wanted to go without too much risk. had arrived in the target, the projection of the First just 5min. In the overall standings, he did well with the 4.Etappe 3 places. home with 1.5 kg more body fat and 1% less on Sunday we went with Michi.

Thus the transition should be managed by the short-to long-distance for Andi!

The next goal of Andi and the Michi MTB Championships in a few weeks. have

Thanks to all who supported Andi!

Christoph (supervision), Michael jun. (Supervision), Michi sen. (Press), Mama, Papa, Sabine (nutrition) and last but not least thanks to Karl Khas of us have pointed apartment in the heart of Schladming has made available!

rent here

Ride on!


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