Sunday, July 25, 2010

Seat Numbers At Rose Garden

Transalp 2010 - Summary

Die Transalp 2010 ist nun Geschichte, 8 Tage am Limit sind vorbei. Was bleibt ist einerseits sehr erfreulich und andererseits auch nicht.

Michi und Andi haben sich fast 1 Jahr lang auf die Transalp vorbereitet, It should be the highlight of the race. The training in the winter went very well, they were on the same level of performance. Each with its weaknesses and strengths. The two spent in training thousands of miles of side by side. The best conditions for a team race. The climate in the team was perfect! Andy and Michelle were the Transalp with a very good long-term preparation. Unfortunately, Michael was fighting the month before the Transalp with health problems. His immune system and the training suffered.

Stage overflight:

1st stage, feet - Imst, 80km 1958hm
2nd stage, Imst - Ischgl, 76km 3184hm
3rd stage, Ischgl - Scoul, 75km 2518hm
4.Etappe, Scuol - Livigno, 73km 2377hm
5.Etappe, Livignio - Ponte di Legno, 106km 3461hm
6.Etappe, Ponte di Legno - Male, 72km 2363hm
7.Etappe, Male - Madonna di Campiglio, 47km 2321hm
8.Etappe, Madonna di Campiglio - Riva, 64km 1419hm

Michi konnte immerhin bis zur 4.Etappe mit Andi fahren, was in Anbetracht seines Leidens eine sehr starke Leistung darstellt! Die 4.Etappe war für Michi die härteste Etappe, sein Körper zeigte ihm deutlich dass die Grenze erreicht war. Michi: "Von der Anstrengung her war es als würde ich mit 200Puls fahren, doch die Pulsuhr zeigte teils nur 141 an!" An diesem Tag beendete Michi zum Wohle der Gesundheit die Transalp. Was die einzig richtige Entscheidung war! Im Leistungssport muss man seine Grenzen respektieren, sonst endet das nie gut.

Von diesem Tag an war Andreas als Einzelfahrer unterwegs. Die am nächsten Tag anstehende Königsetappe wurde für Andreas zu einem seiner größten Erfolge bisher. Die 5. Etappe führte über 106km und 3461 Höhenmeter. Andi kämpfte zu Beginn um den Anschluss an die 2. Gruppe, zur Hälfte des Rennens gelang es ihm, sich von der gesamten Gruppe abzusetzen. Im Ziel angekommen, zeigte sich eine Spitzenplatzierung mitten in der MTB Elite Europas als bester Österreicher.

Da bei der 6.Etappe nicht ganz klar war ob Andi alleine bei einem Teamrennen starten durfte, fuhr Andi mit einem niederländischen Partner. Andi musste often wait for him and thus provided only a moderate result. In hindsight it turned out that Andy is not looking for new team-mate should have.

The 7th Stage was the second major success of Andi, on the rather short distance of many meters he could ride in front. Once in the target, the distance to Mirko Celestino (Vice European Champion 2010) just 30 seconds!

on the last stretch was Andi risks no longer and ended the Transalp 2010 on this day with a very good performance.

For Andi, it was a very successful Transalp, Michi has caught it as not so good. Still showed the two in the first days of your potential. But it was the experience makes perfect! And they look back with full confidence in the Transalp 2011th

A photo from the last stage with our top-manager Michael (senior) Reichl.

A big thank you to our fans, our Sponsor , the XC Club , our parents and relatives!

Monster Energy Drink Clothing

Day 8: Madonna - Riva del Garda - Grande Finale

On the last day of the Transalp 2010 shows clearly and conspicuously Uphillstärken Andi's for the pros. He finisht after 3,07:46 in Riva del Garda wins and confident in the category Individul Finisher with a total time of 01 sec 29Std.22min

overall result

Friday, July 23, 2010

Letters About To Inform A Marriage Date

Transalp Tag7 Male Madonna di Campiglio

super power! Andi immediately after Mirko Celestino drives (Vice European Champion 2010) and Marzio Deho position 7 of total lying across the finish line in Madonna di Campoglio!

Andi: "It was a stage that was tailored to me, a lot of uphill and downhill a little after the first increase in asphalt, I had a lead of 1min to the second set in the flat I had to wait for this, unfortunately, lost.. time. In the second and final climb I rode my pace and was able to quickly settle out of the 2nd group and in the course of the climb I passed Mirko Celestino and Marzio Deho. The two overtook me in the past very technical area. Route knowledge probably gave them an advantage. Still, I'm super excited about this race. "


standings after 7 days

--- Overall Ranking Individual Finisher 55 ranked first
Andreas Kirchberger, A-Joching 26:14.19,2
Gijs second Dohmen, NL-Swalmen 28:17.09,2
third Luca Ruffa, CH-Biasca 28:24.47,6


I Saw My Daughter In A Bathing Suit

Transalp day6 Ponte di Legno - Male

Andi goes to the 6.Etappe Michis exit as individual riders and the stage will decide together with the Dutchman Gijs Dohmen contest, whose brother was injured in a fall and had to withdraw as well. As Andi obviously is a little stronger still, today was a relatively relaxed stage on which he could still retain some grain in reserve

stage result

Overall standings after Day 6

--- Overall Ranking Individual Finisher 56 classified
1. Andreas Kirchberger, A-Joching 23:37.11,3
second Dohmen Gijs, NL-Swalmen 25:27.23,0
third Luca Ruffa, CH-Biasca 25:28.13,1

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Computer Case Model Number

Transalp TWG5

The Transalp, the toughest mountain bike stage race in the world. Today, Wednesday, only a driver of the Union XC Club Mühldorf stood at the start. Michael Reichl had health problems because of the race after the 4.Etappe prematurely.

short a few lines of this: "For me it was one of the hardest decisions I meet up now in my sporting life had, at the same time, it was also the only correct one. I had today Tomorrow the Transalp 2010 prematurely. I'm not sure what the reason for the decline at the 4th Stage was. Perhaps over-training, perhaps a lack of nutrients. Certainly it was a cry of my body. The fact is that I had set for a further driving my health at risk. I will treat myself now and have a break, physically and mentally, and will then decide how it will go this year even more athletic. "

The decision to end the race was taken by the whole team.

As we then this morning on Start the 5th Stage was focused on the racing line announced that a participant died in the Transalp overnight.

went to a funeral Andi minutes for the first time alone on the route. Today's stage had been spent as a queen stage of this year's Transalp. As we had guessed, Andi was represented unbelievable way and in the midst of Europe's elite marathon. With respect to several lead large teams (Rothaus-Cube, Vaude-Simplon, Garmin Adidas ,.... etc.) Andi rolled across the finish line.

Andi will continue to fight and try now, alone in the spotlight to drive.

result Individual Finisher

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Teacher Responsible For Stolen Cell Phone

Day4 Scuol - Livigno

Day 4 was also the worst day for the team XC-Union Club Mühldorf.
in more soon.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Full Body Wax In Bangalore

Transalp day3 Ischgl - Scoul

Today we went over the Idjoch at 2750m. Great weather and great atmosphere make the Transalp 2010 to an extraordinary experience. 19th place overall 18th place today and confirm the performance of the previous day. Now it's continued to work consistently, day after day recall his performance.
morning, the section leads from Scoul to Livigno. Wir werden sehen, ob wir uns auf dieser landschaftlich wohl schönsten Etappe besonders in Szene setzen können.
ride on!
michi + andi

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Maxine Retirement Joke

Transalp Tag2 Tag1 Imst Ischgl

Heute Sonntag begann der Tag für uns sehr zeitig. Pünktlich um 06:30 läutete der Wecker, essen, umziehen, packen und ab geht’s zum Start!

Heute stand die erste „richtige“ Transalp Etappe am Programm von Imst nach Ischgl. Den ersten 1300 Hm Anstieg auf die Venetalm bewältigten wir problemlos, danach leistete Andi wieder super Arbeit und führte unser Team auf die Position wo Sie nun steht. Ranked 16th in the men! The running time was now 04:00 hours.

According to circumstances we are satisfied with this position, for 1 to 2 weeks before even a start was because of Michael's health condition in question.

Andi currently has confirmed his top form! This is the team the benefit of course.


Also tomorrow, Monday, we will once again activate the GPS tracking at the foot of the blog. start in Ischgl: 09:00 to Scoul Idjoch over the 2750m. Steep! sehr steil bergauf

Ride on!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Trading With Emulators On Mac

Transalp Transalp

Heute pünktlich um 09:30 erfolgte der Start zur diesjährigen CRAFT BIKE Transalp in Füssen. 1100 Mountainbiker aus 34 Nationen boten eine tolle Kulisse und beste Werbung für den MTB-Sport. Die Startaufstellung war einige huntert Meter lang. Wir konnten uns Gott sei Dank schon am Start auf einen der begehrten vorderen Plätze vor"kämpfen".

Vom Start weg ging es neutraliesiert und relativ flach einige Kilometer dahin. Pünktlich zur Startfreigabe wurde das Tempo der Spitzenfahrer aber konstant gesteigert. Bis Kilometer 20 hatten wir keine Probleme zu folgen. Nach einer little carelessness we had the top driver this Transalp can draw but unfortunately. was formed followed by a small but fine group among others, Heinz Zörrweg, Mannie Heymans and cleaning Woisetschläger. This group lasted until 50th km From then on it was uphill again Marienbergjoch. 800 meters in the piece with a relatively steep ramp closing. Michi had small problems in the driveway, they could compensate with his Andi Uphillstärke but good.

After an insipid but still dangerous downhill we reached the finish in 18th place in Imst Men's Team. We are one of the youngest teams in the front ranks and can be satisfied with this performance for today.

Für schmunzeln und kurzfristige "gehh schei...., Andi schau!" Rufe sorgte eine Kuhflade, die beim Windschattenfahren direkt in Michis Gesicht landete. -->Supa! :)

Heute hat unser GPS tracking nicht richtig funktioniert, da der Start in Deutschland war. Morgen wird es aber hoffentlich seinen Dienst leisten! Das GPS LiveTracking von Andi wird sich kurz vor 09:00 aktivieren und ihr könnt uns bei der morgigen Etappe LIVE verfolgen!
Das GPS tracking findet ihr auf dieser Seite ganz unten.

Morgen: ca. 80 Kilometer und 3.100! Hm, von Imst nach Ischgl, Start 09:00

Ride on!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Milk Bottles For Sale Ontario

Imst-feet, here we go!

Heute, Donnerstag Evening, we will travel with bag and baggage to Füssen to the starting point of this year's edition of the legenären and hardest mountain bike stage race in the world.

Michi is back in reasonable health and has the last two training sessions and successfully complete with a good feeling. Thus, in participating, nothing more stands in your way.


Friday morning we will visit the first stage of the Transalp and make us a first impression of the track conditions. Thereafter, the starting numbers are assembled, brought the bikes again in surplus, and much more .... How

may have already noticed the one or the other are at the foot of our blog two excerpts from Google Map. If everything works as we imagine that, one will be able to follow the 2nd stage of Imst and Ischgl live via blog!

last to still have to say that a Transalp is really damn long and you have to push through all the ups and downs. You all go to our blog to help, that we bring the race as best as possible to the finish. A little encouragement via blog, Facebook, cell phone, etc. is involved in the roller coaster ride feeling often little miracle!

press that in mind, fingers crossed that wir am 25.07.2010 gesund und eventuell unter den TOP 25 das Ziel in Riva del Garda erreichen!! ;-)


Monday, July 12, 2010

New York Drivers Licence Whate Does It Look Li

final preparations Transalp!

Kommenden Samstag startet die diesjährige Auflage der Bike Transalp in Füssen. Beim härtesten MTB-Etappenrennen der Welt gehen wir mit gemischten Gefühlen an den Start.

Michi's gesundheitlicher Zustand würde bis heute noch immer keine Teilnahme zulassen. Mittelohrentzündung, Bindehautenzündung und geschwollene Lymphknoten hindern Michi schon seit einer Woche am regelmäßigen Training.

"Das gesamte Saison läuft für mich einfach nicht rund. Im Juni, rechtzeitig zur Alpentour, musste ich 2 Wochen pause due to bronchitis, and then I quickly added the training program, I get the bill now presented.

The Transalp takes 8 days. 8 days in which everything is possible. "Basically, I've done all the basic tasks and really trained hard. I hope now to be healthy at last, it held that the experience and adventure Transalp with our participation."

Andi picked up last week with long workouts the last touch for the Transalp. His form is good and he's ready for the race.

So fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly!

Ride on!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Osmosis And Diffusion Lab Report Conclusion

Bärbel is now on Twitter

Photo: Saskia Schultz-Marjanna
'Bärbel - undetected gifted' is now on Twitter and looking forward to visitors, visitors and especially to new Twitter contacts http:// / B_a_e_r_b_e_l

How To Increase Strength Of Hydrocodine

Marathon Championships - 126km, 3000hm, 31 ° C

As Michelle and Andy visited in April, the EM track in Montebelluno, both knew that there will be a tough race. But what Andi and Michael enjoyed a day of the race was more than a "normal" long-distance marathon! is not built

On the eve of the race we learned that the bridge over the river Piave. From 116 km were thus approximately 126km. So 10km more in flat terrain.

gathered on Sunday, then the European elite marathon (Lakata, Dietsch, Sahm, Platt, Naef, etc.) in Montebelluna. From the start, was presented the same pace a murderer, the first increase was about 300 meters to 300 meters high mountain, on and around the much of the race took place. The heat was extreme, up to 31 ° C at 300m above sea level. Almost no wind and a glowing sand. It was immediately clear who drink little to no chance today

The course was not really technically challenging, the continuous curves which had a XC race. More than 18 short climbs were spread over the whole course. There was almost no time to disengage or constantly driving on the mountain.

remained at the beginning and Andi and Michael accidentally at the same level, suggesting that we are at about the same level of performance on the road. After 1 hour travel time on the mountain Andi forced the pace. Michael then had a puncture and need to change the rear wheel, well the the defect occurred 100m before the feed zone. In the Hecktik he took to drink what to do with this long stretch without food by the organizer of the mean.

Andi was able to drive 4.5 hours with full power, but then put a stomach pain. The resulting complicated fluid and energy intake caused a decrease in performance in the last part of the race.

But when exactly 50 in the target one must not complain, after all, Andy has never run a race with almost 6 hours! And with a failure rate of 50%, it is quite an achievement to reach the goal. Results

Ride on!