Monday, September 28, 2009

Is Mrsa Canit Be Cured

And the winners are ... :-D

Today I pulled 3 lucky winners tomorrow! have won


Set 1 Romana on Twitter ( )
Set 2 Chrissy ( )
Set 3 Laulo98 on Twitter ( )

The sets go out this week yet. I will contact you for the address, can you also tell me about "Mail me" :-) anmailen

Congratulations to the winners and thank everyone for playing, and subscribe!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Does Leimo Really Work?


Thursday is my blog turned 1 year old and I want it a little celebrate by I have a few nice things under my regular readers will give away.

are the dust off it:

Set 1:

- Micro Cell 2000 Nail Repair Matt (I'm always asked how I got my nails so long and THAT is the answer)

- Revlon Color Illusion Plum Flip

- New York Summer Glitter nail polish Chartreuse

- Eyeko Disco Polish

Set 2 :

- DelSol UV-sensitive nail polish Sunkissed (changes in sunlight the color)

- New York Summer Glitter Nail Polish Coral Pink

- New York Summer Glitter nail polish Chartreuse

- New York Summer Glitter Nail Polish Multi-Glitter

Set 3 :

- NYX Diamond Sparkle Lip Gloss Silver Sparkle

- NYX Diamond Sparkle Lipgloss Sparkle

Rose - Wild and Crazy e / s Marquise

- Summer of Love Essence e / s Always Hippie

All things are of course new and they are sponsored by ;-) I

How to participate, you can:

- Add your review to your blog and link to there my lottery or my blog (the photos in this post you are allowed to use it like if you want to)

- Add your comment under my lottery-mail with a link to your article on your blog

- want to have to win that set you Add

You should not have a blog, you can participate via Twitter.

simply following this twitter (there's that word anyway?) :

RT @Plemenita1 Ich möchte das Set Nr. X gewinnen (Set Nr. dazuschreiben anstatt dem X!)

Am Sonntag, 27.09.2009 werde ich 3 Gewinner per Losverfahren ziehen. Ich versende übrigens innerhalb Europas.
Natürlich ist der Rechtsweg hierbei ausgeschlossen.

Viel Glück!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Stationery First Communion

range change from P2 - New Nail Polish

Ich habe schon länger die neuen Sachen im Sortiment von P2 begutachtet und natürlich einige neue Sachen gekauft.
Ich wollte schon längst darüber bloggen, aber ich kam die letzte Woche einfach not to do so. So I'm starting now with the nail varnish on (what else ^ ^).

P2 Colour Victim Dangerous:

Just after I complained that there are in the drugstore sector is not only beautiful dark green of nail polish (it is just two or three months ago!), P2 brings out a beautiful dark green nail polish. Ok, it's not a real dark green, it is a perfect cream-Petrol. Dangerous is just dark enough to be considered green and not as a black to be seen (these hooks have some dark nail varnish).
first I thought it was similar to Orly Enchanted Forest, which is not Sun Dangerous because when there is a real dark-Petrol = So a dark turquoise and Enchanted Forest is more real "forest green" without a blue cast.
I love this color. I've only been waiting there to buy something.
petroleum has long been - and still this fall - a major issue in the fashion world. Therefore, this color is well chosen.
Dangerous is opaque with a layer (in the photo is 1 Seche Vite topcoat layer and).

P2 Colour Victim Elegant:

lavender has long been a very large color theme in the nail varnish world. And it is certainly no wonder that is found in the new range of P2, this beautiful lavender-colored nail polish. "Elegant" has this strange finish that I would call a "cream with shimmer. There is a glimmer visible in the vial, which on the fingernails, but can not get through so much significant. Only a subtle shimmer in the sunlight can be seen in pink. Beautiful color, very good. And I am not a lover of lavender nail polish. This is my first nail polish with that color.
The texture is very tricky in this nail polish. Very very thick, but still not very opaque, making it difficult to apply it evenly. Sorry, came the bubbles and the feared although I have not used any topcoat. My Bascoat Nailtek Nail Repair II causes me no bubbles. At two layers to get this nail polish around, because he is not widely enough for only one shift. With a layer of the bubbles were much less. Too bad, because the paint itself is actually quite beautiful.

P2 Victim Color Rich:

Vampy ist auf den Fingernägeln diesen Herbst auch groß im Kommen. Überall wo ich hinsehe, in allen Zeitschriften, auf allen Anzeigen tragen die Frauen dunklen Nagellack. Chanel und MAC bringen Kollektionen heraus, die sich mit dem Thema Schwarz befassen. L'Oréal bringt passend zum Thema Schwarz 4 Vampy-Nagellacke ( L'Oréal Resist&Shine Titanium Black Gloss ) heraus. Schwarz ist also hoffähig geworden. Für die Leute, die lieber dezent oder Pastell mögen: Gewöhnt euch dran, Schwarz und Vampy-Lacke sind im Nagellack-Herbst nicht mehr wegzudenken.
Natürlich ist so ein Nagellack wie Rich absolut passend zu dem Thema. Es ist ein sehr dunkles Rot, fast Schwarz, das winzige Glitterpartikel in Pink enthält und ich kann vereinzelt sogar blaue Partikel erkennen. Diesen Glitter erkennt man nur im vollen Sonnenlicht. Im normalen Tageslicht kaum. Dabei glitzert es in der Flasche richtig stark. Daher habe ich ihn anfangs für eine Art "dunkler Ruby Pumps" gehalten. Leider ist das nicht so. Aber die Farbe ist auch hübsch, ohne dass der Glitzer sehr zum Tragen kommt. Und vielleicht gerade deshalb ein sehr tragbarer Vampy!

Ich muss an dieser Stelle mal wieder die Haltbarkeit der P2 Nagellacke . Praise I also had on 2 Day is still no Tipwear (Seche Vite as a top coat with - and with this I'm almost always on the 2nd day Tipwear). Chipped is nothing. Thumbs up for the shelf!

Mechadoll At New York

Essence Made with Love Review and AMU Love ² Eyeshadow Quartet

I had already written that I have the pigmentation of the quad was so good that I had to take him without my originally planned or wanted to.
And in practice it has been confirmed today. The quality is really good. The satin-like finish teilwese (the lightest beige e / s in the quartet) or something shiny (when hellrosanen e / s). The eye shadow could be just as wonderful blenden.
Was soll ich sagen, ich liebe diese Kombi! Sie passt einfach immer und zu allem. Der Eyeliner In Love passt auch wunderbar dazu.
Man kann mit einer Palette ein komplettes AMU schminken. Der beigefarbene Ton eignet sich hervorragend zum Blenden und der rosafarbene Lidschatten aus der Palette ist ein toller Highlighter.

Base: Makeup Factory Eye Primer (ich liebe diesen jetzt schon! Review dazu kommt noch, nachdem ich ausreichend getestet habe)
Lidschatten: Komplett Essence Love² Lidschatten-Quartett aus der Made with Love - zuallererst habe ich den dunkelbrauenen Ton für die Banana used, then the light brown e / s from the palette onto Aussenlid applied to the center of the lid then the pink e / s and the beige Innenlid again. Blinded, I did everything with the beige e / s. Highlighter is the pink e / s)
Eyeliner: Essence In Love
Mascara: P2 Duo Mascara Waterproof Black
eyebrows: P2 Eyebrow Styling Gel Golden Ocher
Face: MAC Studio Moisture Medium + MAC MSF Natural Light + MAC Transparent Finishing Powder
Blush: MAC Out of Bounds + Essence Touch of Velvet (Sweet Temptation LE)
Lipgloss: Manhattan Long Lasting Gloss Glide 52K

Und wie gut diese Kombi zum derzeitig angesagtem Leopardenlook passt...

Lakme Cosmetics Products Rates

China Glaze - Let's do it in 3-D Mega-Holo!

China Glaze Let's do it in 3-D ist hat einen Extra-Post verdient. Es ist ein Parade-Holo. Er ist grobkörniger als China Glaze OMG, er ist antharzitfarben und er holographiert (?!) sehr stark. Und zwar deckt er das komplette Lichtspektrum ab. Ich kenne keinen anderen Holo-Lack bei dem das so ist.

Hier sind two layers without topcoat:

Plasma Donation Centers In Los Angeles

OPI Matte, China Glaze Holo, Sally Hansen Chrome, Manhattan Crazy Colours - NOTDs the last days

I've painted the last days of hard working and photographed. I'm not just come to the NOTDs to post. Therefore, here are my collected works:

China Glaze L8R G8R:
A beautiful Holo. Tender green yellow / Gelbrün (?) With strong holographic shimmer. Adorable!
I will probably never have enough of Holo-paints!

OPI Russian Navy Matte:

Mattes dark blue. Point. You get this to say about this nail varnish is not. I was fascinated by the dark blue color, which is clearly visible as dark blue. So I had to have this nail polish. Unfortunately, he has the typical Mattigkeitsverlust such as La Paz-itively Hot OPI mat, I have also been geswatcht. But I have now found out that one problem with the matte nail varnish Essie Mat About You again can get dull.

Sally Hansen Chrome Black Pearl:

A dark silver. Perhaps the color of old silver. Like all Chromes he can rise well and stripes. Incidentally, I have heard that you can churn away with Sally Hansen Chrome!

Manhattan Crazy Colours 77T:

Manhattan Crazy Colours are nail polishes that appear here and there in the Manhattan stand again. It seems a kind of semi-permanente Nagellacklinie von Manhattan zu sein. D. h. Crazy Colours Nagellacke gibt es immer, es kommen allerdings ständig andere Farben heraus. Daher auch die Aufschrift Limited Edition.
Dieses wunderschöne Exemplar war das letzte in unserem Manhattan-Aufsteller. Die Farbe ist angesiedelt zwischen Blau und Lila. Je nach Licht sieht es mehr Lila oder Blau aus. Der Nagellack sieht im Fläschchen zwar leicht schimmernd aus, auf dem Fingernagel ist das Finish jedoch eher cremig. Den bläulichen Schimmer sieht man nur ganz wenig - wie auf dem Foto erkennbar.
Leider gab es an dem Tag an dem ich den Lack getragen habe kein Sonnenlicht, so dass ich leider keine Tageslicht oder Sonnenfotos machen konnte.
Die Farbe ist definitiv Lilablau, allerdings my camera makes it more of a matter in which light blue.