A reader reports ... The project
"Eine Geschichte aus meiner Fußballfanvergangenheit: My best friend and neighbor in high school was Hans Bank (now the school psychologist). He was fanatical GAK-trailers, we have hardly missed a game in Graz. And we prepared ourselves for it: In the Latin and Greek-hour Prof. K. walked through the pews, looking, quietly humming to himself, the student who should come next in turn to translate. He was often very uncertain. We did not know why he was looking for a that it was not to triumph in order? Or he wanted what was going on? Hans and I made it a game: We have said very softly a name and it often happened that the professor the automatic, as grateful for this assistance, nachsagte. Hatte Hans recht, dann war das ein Tor für den GAK, wenn ich richtig getippt hatte, dann gab es ein Tor für die Gastmannschaft. Hans (als GAK) hatte einen nicht zu unterschätzenden Vorteil: Er war besser in Latein und Griechisch, konnte also auch sich selber ins Spiel bringen, was ich eher vermied."
H. B.